Can you look forward to one year in the future? Two years? Five years? Already, there are dozens if not scores of different groups and organizations across the region who are finding ways to help restore the safety and well-being of our residents as well as the critical infrastructure needs to rebuild life in Western North Carolina. But what will we rebuild? Who will decide? Asheville has always been an epicenter of creativity and imagination. It’s now time for our community to roll up its collective sleeves and re-imagine together where our current journey will take us.

Amidst unspeakable heartbreak and loss, an incredible opportunity is emerging. This is a pivotal moment in time when we can choose to rebuild differently.

We welcome your tax-deductible donation of $250 or more here. For donations less than $250, please see our GoFundMe page where you can contribute any amount. We so appreciate your support!


Lack of Funding
Individual initiatives, businesses and NGOs are each trying to attract funding and other resources, often in a scattershot approach.

Lack of Collaboration
Lack of communication and coordination between initiatives leads to inefficiency, duplication of efforts, and unintentionally working at cross purposes.

Lack of Awareness
Smaller local initiatives are challenged to gain attention, missing opportunities to attract funding, engagement, and community support.

Designing a dream city is easy; rebuilding a living one takes imagination.
— Jane Jacobs


Imagine what becomes possible when our local trusted innovators are working together in a whole-ecosystem approach and supported with the resources they need to generate true prosperity and well-being for all life in our region.

WHAT we’re doing

We are helping grassroots regenerative initiatives in the greater Asheville bioregion amplify their impact by supporting them with:

  • a bioregional financing strategy, bringing philanthropic funding and other resources into the hands of the “boots on the ground” changemakers;

  • a bioregional impact hub for regenerators to gather, innovate solutions and exchange information & resources; and

  • storytelling & media, including documentary filmmaking and elevating the visibility of impact-driven leaders


partnering globally

Working with the BioFi Project framework, we are aligning the flows of capital with the flows of life to transform our region into a regenerative economy that serves the well-being of the people, businesses and natural environment in the greater French Broad Watershed.

Regenerating Asheville is honored to be one of 18 bioregional organizing teams from North, South and Central America and Hawaii invited to participate in the first-ever 2025 BioFi Cultivator program.

We welcome your tax-deductible donation of $2500 or more as a Founding Funder for Regenerating Asheville. Founding Funders will receive executive producer credits on the Blueprint Appalachia Docu-series as well as donor recognition displayed at the Regen Hub.